Avanti Training Solutions

CPR and AED Basic Life Support Courses

Avanti Training Solutions - CPR and AED Basic Life Support Courses

Every year 30,000+ individuals throughout the UK suffers a OHSCA out of hospital cardiac arrest.

Knowing the facts about cardiac arrest and the necessary treatment involved could make the crucial difference between life and death.

Fewer than one in ten people who suffer a survivable cardiac arrest receive the life-saving CPR intervention they need from people nearby, according to recent NHS figures and BHF heart campaigners which describe as dreadful.

  • Cardiac arrest occurs when the heart stops pumping blood around the body.

  • Effective Bystander CPR and use of an AED device is the persons only hope.

  • The most common cause of cardiac arrest is a life-threatening abnormal heart rhythm called Arrythmia, or VF ventricular fibrillation. Ventricular fibrillation occurs when the electrical activity of the heart becomes so chaotic that the heart stops pumping, and quivers ‘fibrillates’ instead.
  • Around 500 young people (under 18 years of age) die suddenly each year with apparently no explanation or cause of death. Often an inherited or undiagnosed heart condition is to blame.

  • Victims of cardiac arrest can be saved if an AED defibrillator device is immediately available to deliver an electric shock to restore the heart to its normal rhythm.

  • Automated External Defibrillators are sophisticated, reliable, safe, computerised devices that deliver a controlled electric shock(s) to victims of cardiac arrest. For every minute that passes without defibrillation chances of survival decreases by 10 per cent. Research shows that applying prompt CPR and a controlled shock within five minutes of collapse provides the best possible chance of survival. If defibrillation is delivered promptly, survival rates as high as 75% have been reported.

Fewer than 1 person in 10 survive if SCA occurs out of hospital.

CPR and AED significantly improve survival.

CPR and AED can be delivered by untrained members of the public.

Acting to help will gently improve chance of survival.

I’m a qualified CPR and AED Basic Life Support instructor. ‘Hands-on’ simulation training and assessment is recommended for non-clinical staff.

Organisations must recognise and make provision for staff to have enough time to train in resuscitation skills as part of their induction and employment.

Contact us today to find out more about our courses in CPR and basic life support.

Avanti Training Solutions – Covering West Sussex and Hampshire
